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Standing in the Rain
Feeling the cold on my face is like a breath of freedom


The name is brianna . Pronounced like bri-ya-nuh , i'm 14, and you give me cake & help blow out my candles on july 6, & my favorite colors are purple and blue . I love my friends, my family, and nature . LOL cheesy :) . my passions are singing, acting, reading & swimming.

bold underlined strikethrough italic


"If we live our life in fear,
I'll wait a thousand years
Just to see you smile again "


Did I hear someone said "icecream" or "strawberries"?

Ben & Jerry's Ice-Cream
My Mac Laptop
Cinema: Watch The Notebook
my job: #1 big sis in the world
That spa getaway package
true love


cbox recommended.
preferred maximum width to be 200px.



Are you sure you want to turn back the time and read about my past?

February 2010
March 2010
May 2010
March 2012



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Saturday, March 31, 2012

I don't know where this conversation is going...
I'm kind of scared to find out what it is you're really feeling.

I dont even know why i care so much...
I just feel like you would hurt way more than D every could.

This confusing. And I feel stupid because I know you are definitely not giving this as much thought as I am. You probably just want whats on the outside. What you see is what you want. Nothing more. Nothing less.

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:20 PM

i guess i kinda like you...
or maybe its just physical.

I don't even know. I thought i was done with you...but today at the train station...it was just..flowing and the only way I could stop it was to avoid eye contact. I was scared. Idk. I don't want to be another pawn in your giant "game of life" but I dont expect/want anything more or deeper. I guess I just want to be important or special but not overly so.

Now thinking about the train station makes me think about those awesome cookies everyone bought and now I want either a cookie or a yummy cake pop from Starbucks. F U MUNCHIES.

But yeah. Idk what it is with you. You make me want you and then make me completely change my mind. But then change it back. Its so annoying but enjoyable at the same time.

And damn. You are so seductive. I commend you on that my friend. You almost had me today. If it wasn't for the fact that our friends were like legit around the corner and the fear of getting caught, and looking like some bimbo that is getting played, wasn't looming over my head...i don't think I would have had as much self-control as I did.

And just between you and me. When we were hugging and wat not..in the cold. my leg was in between yours. I could feel ur....you know.. LOL. that was funny.

We'll see what happens next week.

Now I need to start getting my head back into my books.

♥our lips must always be sealed
8:06 PM

i'm not happy.
in general.
my body, my hair, my face, my smile,my nose, my personality, my grades, my singing, my clothes, my ..

I'm just not happy about it. I don't think I ever will be.
You know I hear a lot of bull---t from artists and 'sensitive' guys..
"its the inside that makes you beautiful"

and then from other girls..
"you gorgeous...stop saying your not"
"everyone wants/likes you"

really??? i must have bad eye sight because I don't see who you are talking about. and to those guys...how about you walk the walk instead of just talking the talk.

One Direction "that's what makes you beautiful..."
what does? that the object of your affection is skinny? fair-skinned? blonde? blue-eyed? white?

I'll believe alllll of this when someone who is actually a 10 on a scale of 1-10 tells me. Or at least tells someone else.
Until then...its not a reality.

-idc if i sound shallow...i just want someone who is like really attractive to think so...is that so bad?

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:24 PM

Sunday, May 2, 2010

WOW. HAVEN'T UPDATED IN A WHILE.... April flew by like nothing. Eww.
April showers bring May flowers...

hello May. where are all the damn flowers? damn its hot today.

I was reading my seventeen magazine today.....and checking my formspring. This little ignorant biotch keeps smacking on me and its pissing me off. she needs to cut it. or some shit bout to star.

I always feel like i have to say something insightful and not just type away some random sht. WHY NOT?

idk. my bff jill?

soo how about them Mets? lost yesterday. :( so sadd. :(

my bro needs to chill. and my rents need to back off. i need my space.

is it weird how i like to be alone sometimes? NO.
>( ppl just dont get it:
i go to school, then i go to sports, then i go home and do hw. where is the ME time in the schedule?
nowhere. thats where.

ugh fml. can't wait till the last day of school. can june 8 just come already.
looking for a summer job. u? needs some cash to chill w/ my fav chicas.

my friend is having some MAJOR boy trouble. UGH. now i gotta pick up the pieces when everything's done.

wish me luck.
love you

SHOUT OUTS: brittany-being my fav person of all, lluvia-nuf said, deneisa-a;slktheth

♥our lips must always be sealed
1:21 PM

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

a peeping tom.
we've all had one.
have you?
be careful to close your curtains at night---especially if you're a hot piece of bacon.

don't worry girls. YOU CAN GET HIM BACK. (if its a girl be like bitch wat chu looking at!?!?)
if its a one time thing then dont sweat it but if it happens again observe: how long they stay there, any noises you hear when they come to your window or going down.
then, hide a camera. video, digital, whichever you prefer....
then you can expose him.
for what he is...
a peeping tom.

♥our lips must always be sealed
11:47 AM

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Standing in the Sidelines

At least once in your life, maybe quite often, you are on the sidelines-

Watching the one you love get hurt or make a fool of himself or not realize what's right in front of him.


Wondering why you fell for him in the first place. Wondering how you can get out of it-but you know you can't.


You can't do anything about it, except, MAYBE, hope its just passes.

And then one day its happens and you think the whole world is at your hands-but all you get is a broken heart again again AGAIN. Just a cycle that can't be broken.


You can do what i did and

I realized he wasn't the one for me and I let him go. If it weren't for that painful decision I made I would not have realized who I am and why I had wanted someone like that in the first place.

Because many times love is blind. And when you finally clean the looking glass and look-you see something that wasn't there before.

Now I am not just watching OR just standing. But I am making something of myself. I am glad I am single. I won't get hurt, I won't have distractions, and I won't have a heavy weight on my shoulders.

And now he's the one


♥our lips must always be sealed
8:02 PM

Standing in the Snow

[it's snowing outside...]

Why is snow white?
I've always wondered this.... I mean I've always known the science behind it: when you shave ice it has a kind of off white color, well that shaved ice is snow.
But what I mean is WHY is snow white?? Out of all the colors in the rainbow God could have chosen from--he chose white.


When you're outside standing in the snow waiting for your train or you're inside rocking on the rocking chair knitting staring out the window, it looks the same.
I think of when I was a toddler and used to make snow angels in my backyard.
I think of Christmas and sitting by the warm fireplace just looking at the window wondering the magical mystery of.....snow.

Whether I am shoveling snow or playing in it, I always have a sense of relief and relaxation. Just going outside to watch as the snow puts the streets and house to sleep with a blanket of purity. I love it.
In the snow....
just there
just watching
just standing.

~brianna <3
on a snowy day in february

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♥our lips must always be sealed
12:43 PM